How to get hired? INITIATIVE

Lately I have been reviewing a lot of resumes (both for volunteer and paid positions at Iridescent), going to career fairs and interviewing candidates...

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How to build a working model of a heart using tupperware?

We are playing with a new tool (called Knoodle) that enables you to synchronize powerpoint presentations with a video. I think this is a very powerful...

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Community Within the Community

For the past three years Iridescent has provided hands-on science courses at ~ 30 schools in the downtown Los Angeles area. However, in order to provi...

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What 106 Los Angeles teachers think and believe

Robyn Hightower developed and conducted a teacher survey for the teachers in 8 of our partner schools (N= 106). Here are some of the interesting corre...

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What is the difference between an engineer and a teacher?

I have been reading a really interesting book on engineering called, “To engineer is human: the role of failure in successful design“. One...

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How do you teach persistence?

We recently had a chance to do something pretty unusual – have the students work with kits (we usually have the students build/design their mode...

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Wisdom from Luke Sullivan – applied to life, grant writing, presentations and running an organization.

I read Luke Sullivan’s book Hey Whipple, Squeeze This and was amazed at how universally relevant his advice was. Here are some excerpts from the...

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Attention to detail. The Europeans sure do it right!

Maybe the Japanese do it right too, but I haven’t been to Japan. We recently came back from a little vacation in Germany and Italy and the first...

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We all need approval and validation

I have developed a pretty thick skin (or so I like to think), but am still vulnerable when people appreciate our work 🙂We recently interviewed a pa...

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Crime in LAUSD schools

Our Urban School Needs Map project is humming along. The project is super cool with many far-reaching ramifications. The goal is to develop a visualiz...

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I love beautiful things – paintings, photographs, flowers, mountains, melodies and writing. I try and share some of this appreciation along with...

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How to start a used bookstore

While wandering in New Orleans (for the NSTA conference), I came across a lovely used bookstore (Crescent City Books). Since I am interested in develo...

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