
Every year we challenge girls around the world to solve problems in their communities. This App Gallery showcases some of the top solutions from recent years. We hope they inspire you to solve a problem you care about in your community!


Senior Division
  • 2023 Finalist
    • Sinov

    • Uzbekistan

    • Sinov is a VR app that offers an immersive and realistic laboratory experience to bridge the gap for students without access to conventional science equipment or dedicated lab facilities in their schools.
      2023 Social Innovation Award Winner
    • Program: Girls
    • Topic: Quality Education
  • 2023 Finalist
    • Ichaka

    • Nigeria

    • Ichaka promotes the Igbo language and culture. Users can learn about Igbo history through several tabs within the app, as well as translate text from English to Igbo. The app also offers the largest digital collection of Igbo cultural materials to aid lgbo students with research.
    • Program: Girls
    • Topic: Quality Education
  • 2023 Finalist
    • Project HeartScope

    • Canada

    • Introducing Project HeartScope: Revolutionizing Heart Health with AI! Project HeartScope centers around utilizing machine-learning systems to detect cardiomegaly from X-ray scans.
    • Program: Girls
    • Topic: Artificial intelligence*
  • 2023 Finalist
    • Colorar

    • Brazil

    • In Brazil 12 women are killed per day in domestic violence cases. To combat this issue, Artisteam developed an app called Colorar. Colorar aims to assist women before, during, and after reporting violence against women.
      2023 Grand Prize Winner
    • Program: Girls
    • Topic: Gender Equality
  • 2023 Finalist
    • SaFeeder

    • Spain

    • Monk Parakeets are an invasive species in Spain. Using AI and training techniques, Team SaFeeder developed a bird feeder that aligns with sustainable development principles. The AI-powered feeder can identify the unique perch of monk parakeets, ensuring that only that species can access the sterilizing feed.
      2023 Technology Award Winner
    • Program: Girls
    • Topic: Artificial intelligence*
Junior Division
  • 2023 Finalist
    • Connect Sounds

    • Brazil

    • Connect Sounds is a safety app for the deaf and hearing impaired. The app is connected to a vibrating bracelet that alerts the user to alarms, such as fire alarms, weather alarms, or other user-defined situations.
      2023 Grand Prize Winner
    • Program: Girls
    • Topic: Reduced Inequalities
  • 2023 Finalist
    • T.E.D.D.Y

    • United States

    • T.E.D.D.Y (Text-based Early Distress Detector for Youth) is an AI-powered early distress detector for youth. It addresses critical mental-health concerns among adolescents and helps teachers and counselors identify potential issues by analyzing language patterns and negative sentiments.
    • Program: Girls
    • Topic: Artificial intelligence*
  • 2023 Finalist
    • Usafiri App

    • Kenya

    • Usafiri detects high tides in the ocean and sends alerts to fishermen when a high tide is approaching. It prevents fishermen from going to the ocean while the tide is still strong and helps them learn how to practice safety while fishing.
    • Program: Girls
    • Topic: Life Below Water
  • 2023 Finalist
    • Bongo Buddies Wellness App For Teenagers

    • Ireland

    • The Bongo Buddies Wellness app was developed to help teenagers struggling with mental health. Users can track their feelings and ask Chatbot Bongo questions. Bongo provides certified mental health advice and tips from a school counselor.
      2023 Social Impact Award Winner
    • Program: Girls
    • Topic: Social Impact*
  • 2023 Finalist
    • Quake It Off

    • India

    • Quake It Off is an earthquake preparation and early detection app. The app presents live and future earthquake predictions for the user's location, divided into four parts: possible depth, magnitude, chance of fleeing the tremor, and classification. 2023 Technology Award Winner
    • Program: Girls
    • Topic: Technology*

Regional Winners

Senior Division
  • 2023 Regional Winner
    • Aboat Time

    • India

    • Aboat Time makes data about water quality in lakes more accessible to individuals. The app monitors bird species present at lakes through song analysis, and correlates the number of species present to the health of the lake.
    • Program: Girls
    • Topic: Clean Water and Sanitation
Junior Division
  • 2023 Regional Winner
    • MyChoiceHousing

    • United States

    • MyChoiceHousing upports women in the US who are trying to find housing when they need to travel out of state to receive an abortion. The app provides them with the resources they need to support themselves during the process.
    • Program: Girls
    • Topic: Good Health and Well-Being